Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Food and Clothing Bank in Longview, Washington.
We are a non-profit organization designed to assist the needy with food and clothing.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul began in Paris, France in 1833. The Longview Conference was established in 1937. The purpose for which this non-profit corporation is organized is to provide food, clothing and other necessities to those in need without regard to race, color, sex or creed.
The Longview conference is operated by a group of 70 Volunteers who give generously of their time and talent. These volunteers are not compensated in any way. This combined effort amounts to 20,000 volunteer hours per year. We serve 55,000 people per year and distribute 1,200,000 pounds of food. The Director of the Longview organization is also an unpaid volunteer. This allows us to use all monies received, via donations and other means, to be used for the purchasing of food and the upkeep of the building we operate from (the building and property are fully paid for.)
There is a board of directors for the organization. There are several board members who also volunteer at the building.
The President of the Board of Directors is Tom Garstki. You can contact him either through his e-mail address of svdp@svdplongview.comcastbiz.net or at the telephone number of (360) 577-0662.
The director can be reached at svdp@svdplongview.comcastbiz.net or at (360) 577-0662.
Food Bank Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8:00 am – 11:00 am
The third Tuesday of the month from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm.
Cathlamet Food Bank Hours:
The first and third Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
If you have questions or needs, contact us today.